
Corel Painter 11 demo

Almost finished with the last book of His Dark Materials/The Amber Spyglass. The above digital painting is inspired by Lyra Silvertongue's world. (Corel Painter11)

Above is the altered original worked thru PSE (photoshop elements).
Original below it.

Hard to really believe that the Summer's end will be here in a very short time. I recall last year that the trees started to shun leaves as early as August. Having lived in the South most of my life it was startling to see it happen so early.
For now I am playing with my Corel Painter demo to see if I like it or not. I tried a 3D software program that was not so intuitive. I chucked that for the Corel when, perusing a mag at B&N, I spied a stunning digital painting tutorial. This floats my boat : )

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